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Tagbilaran Launches Barangay Diabetes Clinics in Partnership with Diabetes Philippines Bohol Chapter

Tagbilaran City, Bohol – The city government of Tagbilaran, in collaboration with the Diabetes Philippines Bohol Chapter, launched the Barangay Diabetes Clinics (BDC) program recently.

BDC program aims to provide free and accessible health services to diabetic patients in the city’s 15 barangays. The program offers free random blood testing, cardiac panel, HbA1c, medications, and health education to the enrolled patients. The program also schedules regular check-ups and follow-ups for the patients to monitor their condition and prevent complications.

BDC program is spearheaded by Dr. Jeia Pondoc, the city health officer, and Dr. Mardy Fortich, the president of the Diabetes Philippines Bohol Chapter. Dr. Lalaine Delos Santos, the immediate past president of the Diabetes Philippines Bohol Chapter, also expressed her support for the program.

The launching of the BDC program was attended by Mayor Jane Yap, Vice Mayor Adam Jala, and other city officials. Mayor Yap said that the BDC program is part of her administration’s commitment to improve the health and well-being of the Tagbilaranons, especially those who are suffering from diabetes.

“We want to make sure that our diabetic patients receive the best care and treatment possible. We also want to raise awareness and educate the public about diabetes prevention and management. This is why we partnered with the Diabetes Philippines Bohol Chapter, who are experts in this field,” Mayor Yap said.

Vice Mayor Jala also lauded the BDC program and thanked the Diabetes Philippines Bohol Chapter for their partnership. He said that the BDC program is a testament to the city’s vision of being a “healthy, happy, and prosperous” city.

BDC program is expected to benefit more than 2,000 diabetic patients in the city, according to Dr. Pondoc.

She said that the program will also help reduce the burden on the city’s main health facilities, which are often overcrowded and understaffed.

Dr. Fortich, meanwhile, said that the BDC program is a model for other local government units to emulate. He said that the Diabetes Philippines Bohol Chapter is willing to extend their assistance and expertise to other cities and municipalities that want to establish their own BDC program.

“We are very happy and proud to be part of this initiative. We hope that this will inspire other LGUs to follow suit and create their own BDC program. Diabetes is a serious and growing problem in our country, and we need to act now to address it,” Dr. Fortich said.

The BDC program is funded by the city government of Tagbilaran and the Diabetes Philippines Bohol Chapter. The program is also supported by the Department of Health, the Philippine Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, and the Philippine College of Physicians.

Aside from the launching of the BDC program, the city government of Tagbilaran also held the opening ceremony of the BabaJane Yap Inter-school Hoop Challenge 2023, a basketball tournament for the youth. The tournament is organized by the city sports office, headed by Commissioner Rodolfo Madanguit.

The tournament features 16 teams from different public and private schools in the city. The tournament aims to promote sportsmanship, camaraderie, and healthy lifestyle among the youth.

The opening ceremony was graced by Mayor Yap, Vice Mayor Jala, Commissioner Madanguit, and other city officials. Mayor Yap said that the tournament is another way of supporting the youth and providing them with opportunities to showcase their talents and skills.

“We believe that sports is not only a form of recreation, but also a form of education. Through sports, our youth can learn valuable lessons such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. We also want to encourage them to stay away from drugs and other vices, and instead focus on their studies and their dreams,” Mayor Yap said.

Vice Mayor Jala also expressed his support for the tournament and urged the participants to play fair and have fun. He said that the tournament is a reflection of the city’s vibrant and dynamic youth sector.

“We are very proud of our youth, who are the future of our city. We want to support them in whatever way we can, whether it is through sports, arts, culture, or education. We want them to grow up to be responsible, productive, and successful citizens of Tagbilaran,” Vice Mayor Jala said.

Commissioner Madanguit, meanwhile, thanked the city government and the participating schools for their cooperation and support for the tournament. He said that the tournament will run until February 2023, and the champion team will receive a trophy and a cash prize.

“We are very excited for this tournament, and we hope that it will be a success. We invite everyone to watch and support the games, and cheer for their favorite teams. We also remind the players to observe the rules and regulations, and respect the referees and the opponents. Let us all enjoy the game and have fun,” Commissioner Madanguit said.

The BabaJane Yap Inter-school Hoop Challenge 2023 is part of the city’s celebration of the Christmas season and the upcoming New Year. The city government of Tagbilaran has prepared various activities and events for the residents and visitors to enjoy, such as the lighting of the giant Christmas tree, the night market, the fireworks display, and the street party.

Mayor Yap said that the city’s festivities are meant to spread joy and hope to the people, especially after the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. She said that the city has overcome the crisis and is now on its way to recovery and development.

“We want to celebrate the spirit of Christmas and the coming of the New Year with our people. We want to thank them for their resilience and cooperation during the difficult times. We also want to assure them that we are working hard to make Tagbilaran a better place to live, work, and visit. We are optimistic that the next year will bring more blessings and opportunities for our city,” Mayor Yap said.