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News Analysis

Bohol-wide Brownout on October 1, 2023 Lasts for 14 Hours

The Bohol brownout on October 1, 2023 is a major power outage that affected the entire province of Bohol for 14 hours, from 4:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

The cause of the brownout is the scheduled maintenance activity of the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), which operates and maintains the transmission lines that connect Bohol to the rest of the Visayas grid.

The maintenance is part of NGCP’s Grid Operating and Maintenance Program (GOMP), which aims to ensure the optimal condition and reliability of the transmission assets.

The brownout has significant impacts on the lives and livelihoods of the Boholanos, especially those who rely on electricity for their daily activities and businesses. Some of the effects of the brownout were:

  • Disruption of communication and information services. Many people were unable to access the internet, television, radio, and mobile phone networks during the brownout. This made it difficult for them to stay updated on the news, weather, and other important information. It also affected their ability to communicate with their families, friends, and colleagues.
  • Loss of productivity and income. Many businesses and industries that depend on electricity for their operations were forced to close or reduce their output during the brownout. This included shops, restaurants, hotels, offices, factories, farms, and others. Some businesses had to use alternative sources of power, such as generators or solar panels, but these were often costly and insufficient. The brownout also affected the transportation sector, as some vehicles could not refuel or recharge their batteries. The loss of productivity and income caused by the brownout was estimated to be in the millions of pesos.
  • Inconvenience and discomfort. Many households and public facilities that use electricity for their basic needs and comfort were inconvenienced and discomforted by the brownout. This included lighting, cooling, heating, cooking, refrigeration, water supply, sanitation, security, entertainment, and others. Some people had to resort to candles, flashlights, fans, charcoal stoves, ice boxes, buckets, and other alternatives. The brownout also increased the risk of fire accidents, food spoilage, water contamination, theft, and vandalism.
  • Health and safety issues. Many health and safety services that rely on electricity for their operation were compromised by the brownout. This included hospitals, clinics, laboratories, pharmacies, fire stations, police stations, emergency hotlines, and others. Some of these facilities had backup generators or batteries, but these were not enough to sustain their full capacity or duration. The brownout also affected the delivery of vaccines, medicines, blood products, and other essential supplies. The brownout also posed health risks for people with chronic conditions or special needs that require electric devices or equipment.

The Bohol brownout on October 1, 2023 is a challenging event that tested the resilience and resourcefulness of the Boholanos. It also highlighted the importance and vulnerability of electricity as a vital resource for modern society. It also raised questions about the adequacy and sustainability of the power supply and demand in Bohol and the Visayas region. To mitigate future brownouts, some possible solutions are:

  • Improving the coordination and communication among the power stakeholders. This includes NGCP, power generators, distributors (such as BOHECO I and BOHECO II), consumers (such as Bohol Light Company), regulators (such as DOE and ERC), local governments (such as Province of Bohol), media (such as The Bohol Times), and others. These stakeholders should work together to plan ahead for scheduled maintenance activities or emergency situations that may affect the power supply or demand. They should also inform each other and the public about the status and updates of the power situation.
  • Increasing the power generation capacity and diversity in Bohol. This includes developing more renewable energy sources (such as solar, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal, or ocean) or distributed energy resources (such as microgrids, smart grids, or energy storage systems) that can provide clean, reliable, and affordable electricity for Bohol. These sources can also reduce Bohol’s dependence on imported power from other islands or regions.
  • Promoting energy efficiency and conservation among consumers. This includes educating consumers about how to use electricity wisely and responsibly (such as using energy-efficient appliances, switching off unused lights or devices, adjusting thermostat settings, or using natural ventilation or lighting). This can also help consumers save money on their electric bills and reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Preparing for contingencies and emergencies during brownouts. This includes having backup power sources (such as generators, batteries, or solar panels) or alternative methods (such as candles, flashlights, fans, charcoal stoves, ice boxes, buckets, or others) for essential or comfort needs during brownouts. This also includes having emergency kits (such as first aid supplies, medicines, food, water, radio, phone, or others) and plans (such as evacuation routes, meeting points, contact numbers, or others) for health and safety situations during brownouts.