Bohol News

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World Vision Holds Youth Impact Review in Bohol

The Municipal Local Government Unit (MLGU) of Ubay, in partnership with the World Vision Development Foundation, held its Annual Review and Reflection of the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan (MDRRMP), Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP), and Annual Investment Program (AIP) from 7 to 10 September 2021 in Bohol Bee Farm, Dauis, Bohol.

The activity was attended by select department heads and local representatives from the Department of Education and Department of Interior and Local Government.

Youthlead Philippines Founder and Chair Metodio “Kuya John” Maraguinot Jr. was invited to brief the participants of the Youth Impact Project and to present the #AtoNiUbay Youth Development Plan.

The project, most especially the plan, received positive feedback from the stakeholders for its participatory, inclusive, and convergent (whole-of-community) approaches.

EnP Lindsey Vesmanos, Acting MLGOO of Ubay, commended the MLGU and its leadership for its commitment to meaningfully institutionalize RA 10742 through the Youth Impact Project.

The annual activity was organized by the Municipal Planning and Development Office of Ubay through its OIC, EnP Maxwell Cutamora, who is a member of YLP and the Youth Impact Project Implementation Team.

Ubay, Bohol Mayor Constantino Reyes graced the affair during the third day to receive the Seal of Child Friendly Local Governance for 2018 from the Council for the Welfare of Children. (Press Release)